We know the professional football player and sports commentator, born in Saint Josse. He is a native of Brussels, almost a “Bruxellois”. We now discover the entrepreneur.

As a child, after school Nordin Jbari played football on the Ambiorix park pitch. His first stroke of luck came when he was nine years old and his parents moved to Jette, near a playground. He who was never without a ball, met another young enthusiast, Jean-Paul, who trained with him and encouraged him to join a club. This is how Nordin joined the Royal Scup Jette, where many Belgian champions began their careers.

At the age of sixteen, he was recruited by Sporting Club Anderlecht, where he played as a UEFA junior. He played his first games, climbed up the ladder and at seventeen he was training in the senior team with players like Luc Nilis and Luis Oliveira. The teenager progressed quickly and stood out, supported by Leo Clijsters, a Ghent coach, who believed in him. Within a few months, Nordin became an A-team international (as a “Red Devil”). He was a professional footballer until 2005 and at the age of 31 he started a career as a sports commentator and football consultant. For some fifteen years, he commented on the most decisive matches on Belgacom, with the Champions League, on RTBF, on VOO, and today on Eleven Sport, which owns major European championships such as La Liga, and of which he is a French-speaking Ambassador.

An attacker on the field, he is also determined and focused in all aspects of his life. Nordin continues to score, and is now achieving new goals. He gradually diversifies his activities in line with his acquired skills. While football has shaped his career and cultivated his passion, he now leads different projects, which he brings harmoniously together. He is in charge of the comfort and logistics of seminar organisation assignments. Also a sportsman in his philosophy, he is motivated by human adventure, the exploration of new horizons, discovery of the world and authentic encounters. He has the desire at heart to undertake the ideas which make sense to him.

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